
What do you do when your all is not good enough?

I have been in South Korea for nearly six months now.
I wish I had some horror story to explain away why I feel so unhappy. But the truth of the matter is, everything that’s wrong with me is more about ME than it is the country.

Which brings up the notion of running away from my problems.

I said that I would not do that.

I was insistent that this move was not about that.

However, here I am facing the reality that it seems to be exactly what is happening here.

I promise I am trying to address it. I have fought tirelessly to prevent it from being the truth.

But every time my brain attempts to think about what I am doing with my life I get sucked into a paradox.

Homesickness and lack of companionship make me want to run home to my mommy but the unresolved issues I needed a breather from lie in wait for me, just eager to threaten my sanity all over again. Which is exactly what prompted this move in the first place. So do I stay or do I go?

If I stay too long without properly dealing with my current state of depression, that could have disastrous results. If I leave prematurely then this all may turn out to have been for naught.

Living in a country that hardly acknowledges the severity of untreated depression and mental illness, let alone offering resources for coping, doesn’t help.
While I am so pleased that I have not met the ugly face of racial-prejudice that many have accused the locals of committing during my time here, that fact alone offers little solace.

The truth is, I am unhappy.

Living here has opened my eyes to how socially awkward I am.

Living here has forced me to acknowledge that my passive-aggressive tendencies are dangerously self-inhibitive.

Life abroad has forced me to admit that bipolar disorder is more about having a clinical mood disorder than it is just about “being moody”.

Living in South Korea has opened my eyes to the division, subtle acts of competitiveness and innate distrust towards one another that plagues the women of my race. (Not to say that we are the only group of people suffering from crippling cynicism.)

Living in isolation far away from the many distractions I once so easily preoccupied myself with has exposed to me my most shameful insecurities. Inadequacy.



Dire loneliness.

My soul has a gaping hole of something missing.

A deep-seated need.

A sense of purpose begging to be fulfilled.
Notwithstanding, lack of fulfillment.

I try to combat the despondency with daily affirmations.

But as the weeks roll on with no sign of this letting up anytime soon, I have grown more afraid that I may give up hope.

It has taken so much brain power, personal effort and emotional energy to keep the demons at bay. The truth is I am running.

As fast as I can.

For my life!

So when I open up to someone and try to explain (because they asked) how I dissociate as an instinctual method of coping with a less than favorable situation and the response is a cheerful “oh I do that too” or “everyone fantasizes from time to time” I get annoyed. If only psychiatric dissociation was as cute and cuddly as a daydream ‘from time to time’. True as it may be that daydreams do occur, when you LIVE the daydream for hours, days even weeks on end, one must beg inquiry to something more than fantasy.

When coworkers whom awkwardly let out nervous laughter force attempts at lighthearted banter; extend hurried and most times uncomfortable invitations to a Friday night group dinner just to say they did; or compliment me for the tenth time in 3 days on the same scarf that I’ve worn all winter (for the sake of having something to open with before getting to the point of their visit to my classroom), do not understand why I have no interest in small talk during planning periods and chalk it up to me being rude, I feel obligated to explain that my lack of interest is not due to what you may secretly perceive to be an intimidating or angry black woman. Perhaps I am so focused on doing the best job that I have been flown all the way from the United States to do because truthfully it is the only reason get out of bed. I cannot help that I am depleted of all energy and have none to spare on participating in the formalities of feigning genuine interest in someone who I otherwise have no commonalities with and was a total stranger to only weeks ago. I cannot help that, as a black woman who has no choice but to find creative things to do with her hair so that her appearance is deemed workplace appropriate, I get irritated by comments like “I am so jealous that your hair can do that” and “I wish I was as brave as you to wear my hair like that” whenever I install a fresh set of braids or twists [or even put a bow on my head]. What the fuck am I supposed to say to something I’m not even sure was intended to be a compliment as much as it was an unassuming display of social ignorance!?
I often feel misunderstood.
Feeling misunderstood fuels my depression.
It is ammunition with which the voices in my head convince me I’m not good enough.

When I experience the disappointment associated with another failed attempt at “kinship” as a result of differences I cannot seem to effectively explain, I feel disheartened. Not only does this unearth an issue in my community that I tried to remain blind to, insisting I was neither part of the imposing or affected party; it also triggers the identity crisis that I, since adolescence, have grappled with regarding how I feel about being a black woman.
In the face of centuries of enslavement and oppression, at the precipice of the fight for freedom, why can’t we seem to get along and love one another more fiercely?
With confliction overcome by conviction, brokenhearted and with tears welled in my eyes, I proclaim that I love you to the black woman in the mirror staring back at me! I love you and the many sisters and brothers who look like you too.

When I think about how my life’s dream has been nothing more than to be a humanitarian, to give back to the world that I reap so much from and question whether or not I will be allowed to simply because of the way I present or the person my heart chooses to love, I feel distressed. When I think about the lack of support for black LGBT people and those trying to survive with mental illnesses, especially from our own families and communities, I ask myself if the impossible can be done.
I feel distressed because I wonder, can I be an advocate for all groups and areas of need that I believe in? Can I promote activism for equality and fair treatment of persons effected by whatever causes I feel connected to without pervasive intrusion on my personal life?

Too often I ask myself, “Why should I even bother?”

When the uttermost painful part of this spiritual molting process seems too much to bear I nearly cave in.

Nevertheless with an aching bend in my back, knees that wobble and ankles threaten to give out, I hold my head as high as it will go and press onward.

But what if my all really isn’t good enough? What shall I do then?

Die trying I suppose…





Anxiety on Steroids

“Three months later and here I stumble upon an unfinished/unpublished draft that I had written shortly after my arrival here in South Korea.
While I am not under the distress of the anxiety that once plagued me, I do find myself experiencing something that can only be described as homesickness.
I guess I wasn’t as unfazed by culture shock as I led myself to believe.
Just the same, whatever this is called, I find that the best reward from documenting this journey is the reflection I get of my experiences.
My memory may some times betray me, but reading my own words always brings be back most accurately to the thoughts and emotions I felt while writing them…”

*I decided not to complete the draft but simply share it as is.


I have no idea why my heart feels like it is planning an escape from my chest cavity.
It has been a little over 3 weeks since I moved to Anyang-si Gyeonggi do, South Korea.

I am living out a 3-in-1 dream here:

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher.
Teach English in South Korea☑

I’ve always wanted to travel live abroad.
Teach English in South Korea ☑

I wanted to challenge myself to not limit my life’s prospects due to mental illness.
Teach English in South Korea☑

Hagwon Ga
Hagwon Ga
my classroom
my classroom


Are our wildest dreams really unattainable?

Or is it we are just that afraid of our own success that we would rather concede defeat before actually facing the risk of failure?

For a long while I unknowingly and unwilling conditioned my psyche to believe the former.

It was only last night that I realized why I have lain immobile all these years.

I’ve always believed that I deserved happiness and prosperity as much as anyone else. I knew, instinctively, it was not that I was doubtful of myself deserving these things.

Once I let go of the notion that someone was just going to hand me the opportunity of a lifetime, I realized that not chasing my dreams wasn’t for lack of believing in myself.

It was because I was afraid.
And have been for many years.

The opposite of faith is not doubt.
It is fear…
For without fearfulness, doubt would cease exist.

The truth of the matter is my ambition is a hungry beast with an insatiable appetite for going big! However, the most prominent part of me is a modest, insecure and lost little girl. I have always felt inadequate in one way or another.

How can I possibly be good enough?

How can a meek and passive creature like myself be worthy and strong enough to continuously quench my ambition’s thirst?

I wear the exterior of a mere human container but internally my spirit, so wild and begging to be freed, feels fiercely immortal.

Aligning my defeatist-prone mind with my passionate (and compassionate) heart has been my latest life lesson.
A lesson that I am still learning.

Accessing and utilizing my spiritual capacity is not an easy feat.

It is not without commitment, responsibility and perseverance that one lives out his or her purpose. Especially if he or she is destined for greatness.

The thought alone is exhausting.

Am I really that committed?

Am I responsible enough?

Can I persevere that long?

Until I can undoubtedly and fearlessly answer these questions with a solid YES then I will remain paralyzed  by this uncertainty.

You see, the opposite of faith is not doubt.
It is fear.

Until I can live my life as fearlessly as my imagination wanders, I will continue to lie in limbo.

In feardom.


-welcome//too||my\\world-                                                              dani’sWorld

Have You Ever?

Ever feel like shit?

Usually I avoid profanity. When selecting words to effectively paint the images I see in my mind and the feelings felt by the emotions that overcome me, I prefer vibrant warm colors.


In this case, the ability escapes me to find words more suitable than those chosen in the proposed question. I asked because my interest is that you, the reader, have the opening inquiry resonate in your mind’s stereo system. More precisely, I would like the last three words of the extremely concise question to echo as you, the reader, ponder your answer.

Can I tell you, reader, something?

I feel like shit!

Dissect that statement if you will.

I won’t even elaborate why, so that I do not influence your soul’s interpretation of my discourse and discomfort. In this exchange I would like for us to…

Relate to one another.

If you, my reader, have ever felt the way I do presently I humbly ask a favor of you.

Meditate on the memories and/or manifestation of feeling like something much more productive [and joyous] than a piece of poo.

Harness that energy into doing something creative and relaxing.

Bear through those feelings of hurt, pain, shame, anger, resentment, depression, suicidal ideation, contempt, discontent, suicide-contemplation, disinterest, or the total absence of interest in life and all it brings. It is only temporary.

My hope is that with a collective effort, we can all get through these crappy moods.

Whatever you, my worthwhile reader, do to remedy the feelings of poo, please do so on your own terms and in a manner that uplifts your truest self.

If not happiness, at the very least, we all deserve feelings of peace, serenity and tranquility.

I have relocated to South Korea in order to further explore methods of achieving this.

In doing so I also find that I am in a position where I must challenge myself to take my own advice. Most importantly I believe it is also my duty to share the lessons I will learn, along the way. It is my prayer that others feel less alone and more encouraged through the reading and interpretation of my words. We are in this together.

Have you ever felt like shit?
I have.

I know how heavy on the heart those feelings are.
Bipolar, depressed, schizophrenic, dissociative, chronically ill, living with PSTD, misunderstood, suffering through a series of unfortunate events, or simply experiencing a bad day, no matter the situation anyone is susceptible.

I would like to leave you, my gracious reader, with this: WE are not in it alone.

Through service I feel blessed.
Through encouraging others I feel empowered to persevere.
Through perseverance I feel victorious.

-welcome to my world, dani’sWorld-                                          peace

Advice from a broken heart 💔

Never regret loving someone.

No matter how badly your heart was broken.

No matter how terribly things went wrong.               Don’t you dare do it.

Even if you were the one who completely messed things up.

No matter what you do, just don’t regret having loved in the first place.

Love is perfect insanity. No logic necessary.

Raw energy.

That is how it’s supposed to be… I guess.

I am now convinced that ‘love’ screws everyone over.

I believe that the couples I see sticking it out are just the ones with enough guts–or stupidity (from both parties)– to preserve through the toughest of trials that love can AND DOES bring.

Not every love story has a happy end.

A ghost recently reappearing from the afterlife of my failed relationships led me to ponder these things. [sigh] I really loved her. Still do. The constant struggle to recover from that loss haunts me daily. Truth is, I may never fully recover.

The advice my broken heart gave me was to just accept EVERYTHING: acknowledge what went wrong, remember fondly the things that felt right, never regret any of those moments and continue to ALWAYS love fiercely.                                                     //peace’sWorld-

Pat Yourself on the Back

laugh to keep from crying
laugh to keep from crying

I woke up in an uncertain mood today. I lay in bed for nearly a half hour trying to talk myself out of convincing myself that I would not be okay today. Mondays are the worst!

I had sincerely hoped to come home and immediately dive into a new post..I’ve been slightly negligent about keeping the promises to myself regarding my blog.

While creating artwork with my words is very important to me, I also must acknowledge how lazy I have become in every way since my last brush with melancholy..My “apartment” [if one could even claim this shoe box such a thing] is atrocious..My spending escaped me as I had put off shopping and preparing home-cooked meals in place of buying out..The laundry is mounding and my hair had begun its matting process..Not to mention that when I first entered my shoe box this evening and popped open my laptop, I was still getting a proxy error each time I tried to access the internet.

I got the message…

I have been avoiding doing my “adulting” chores.

I find that it is wise to take care of these chores as best as possible when I have the energy and can at least feign interest in domestic duties..Doing so before a mood swing puts me at a great advantage..I cannot speak for everyone but I am pretty sure that having mountains of mess and clutter surrounding me while my mind is already crowded with self-defeating thoughts only perpetuates the difficulty of dealing with the episode.

So I recognized the omen and did what I knew I needed to do.

I took care of my proxy server error first because there was no way I would be motivated enough to take care of my home without the company of music..I needed the internet up-and-running to do that.

Once I had my melodic lady love filling the room with her presence, I moved on to selecting my attire for work tomorrow and taking care of my hair..I finally unclogged the drain in my shower/entire bathroom so that I could clean up afterward and then continued on to my kitchen.

I washed my dishes and prepared dinner with enough leftovers to serve as lunch for tomorrow and possibly a light snack the day afterward..Though multitasking isn’t my strong suit, I was able to straighten up a bit while I had my food going..The apartment is still indecent BUT I must proudly proclaim that I again washed dishes and cleaned my kitchen after making a fresh, delightfully-smelling, mess.

Time escaped me.

Once I was finally able to sit down with my last broken glass of wine for the night, I noticed it was now after midnight. [sip]

I immediately began to reason with myself how it would not be worthwhile to try to blog tonight..Need I mention that I have to wake up earlier than I would like so that I can stop by the bank before work?

But I couldn’t go to bed without one final act of accomplishment..So here it is..This is what I have to offer..And I am so pleased to feel that this is more than enough.

Today was a good day.

I am now convinced that the sun was shining its brightest for me earlier today..The weather was cool and announced that Fall is officially here in South Korea.

I marveled in the energy of a colorfully autumn day as I said a silent prayer and reaffirmed that I was going to have nothing short of a beautiful day..And that I did.

I have found that it is super important to reward yourself with a pat on the back when the most mundanely normal day goes well for you.

It is the simple pleasure of feeling blessed and grateful for those very blessings that keeps me strong enough to persevere.

I hope that you, yes you reading these words, whoever you are remember to reward yourself with a pat on the back for successfully completing a productively ‘normal’ day.

We did it! We deserve it!                                                  ..and some ice cream yum..




Even on my gloomy days.
Days where I have a poor self-image.
Days when I feel like everyone around me can tell.
The days in which I feel that my secret is showing.
Those days when I must have BIPOLAR DISORDER branded across my forehead.
This is how one of my students sees me.

She does not see my darkness.

I don’t show them my sorrow. What they see is their English teacher from the United States. Just the name of my country alone jarred excitement upon initial introductions. Not to mention my long locks of dark brown and maroon-red intertwined kinky twists made for a good conversation piece. Once I stepped off the elevator on my first day, sounds of fearful fascination echoed the hallways.

Oh the innocence of a child.

And oh how bothersome and mischievous they can be.

On this particular day, during my one-student class/session, Alana figured she could get out of doing her work because she “forgot” her school books.

I fixed her right on up. She earned her very own photocopy of the workbook while we shared the teacher’s edition of the text.

Even still.

I commended her efforts.

It was a Friday and she wasn’t very interested in the tedious book work. Neither was I.

So eventually we discarded the worksheets and doodled on the big whiteboard instead.

The one condition: we had to talk about what we learned in class and she could only use English. That is the point right? The students attend hagwons to expand on their knowledge and use of the English language.

Moments like that Friday are what remind me that, even without being heavily medicated, I can do this South Korea adventure.

-Welcome to my world, dani’sWorld-                                                           p/e/a/c/e

SOME MORE DOODLES from my noodles:

Danielle Teacher and friends (co-teachers)
Danielle Teacher and friends (co-teachers)
Dorothy doodle
Dorothy doodle
Doodling Dorothy
Doodling Dorothy
the finished product
the finished product
Sally doodle
Sally doodle
Sarah doodle
Sarah doodle
Loyalty (class)
my classroom
my classroom

Getting My Life

is this what the face of bipolar looks like?
is this what the face of bipolar looks like?

Is this what the face of bipolar disorder looks like?

A black girl born and raised in an ‘inner city’ urban area. A black woman who is now no more than a mere product of her lower-income environment.

Perhaps out of sheer ignorance, all of my life I have heard various mental illnesses referred to as “white people disease”. As if black Americans are the only sufferers of diabetes and hypertension.

I used to worry so much what others would think of me if they found out.

Back then I figured it would be more acceptable to just hide behind the guise of being the crazy angry black chick who was likely to “fudge” some “sheep” up depending on what mood you caught her in.

But there is some much more to me than that.
I am more than what meets the eye.
All you have to do is take a deeper look.
Study me and I promise you still won’t figure me out.

Which brings me to this place.
I have found myself wandering the world now.
Trying to figure me out.

I felt a gravitational pull which has brought me to this precise moment.

Once the heart of me realized just how much dying by my own means was not an option, a force greater than anything I have ever felt before began to lift me from the depths of despair.

For the first time in decades, I felt alive.

It started with the will [to live].
The desire came next.
And finally my passion followed.

If I was going to keep giving life a chance, I had to make the conscious decision to really LIVE it!

I thirst for it now.

I have an insatiable appetite for adventure and purpose fulfillment.

After climbing from the trenches of my rock bottom, I made a choice.

I refused to live a limited life.

I can no longer be bound by the foolishly fearful ideas of what others believe life should look like. “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” If people put the same amount of thought [and energy] as they do into judging how others should live into their own existence, maybe just maybe, we would all be happier.

As for myself?

Well I just don’t care anymore.

You can either live your own life, or have several seats and watch me show you how it’s done! Because I’m out here LIVING mine.                                 peace…

-welcome to dani’sWorld-

And then all of a sudden,
She changed.
She came back a completely different person,
With a new mindset, a new outlook,
A new soul.
The girl who once cared way too much,
About everyone and everything,
No longer cared at all.
-author Unknown