Her Reply: My Coming Out Story (Pt. 2)

Had our new relationship been built on an insufficient foundation?

Was my approval seeking behavior doomed to return and rule me for the sake of not having to be torn apart from her again?

Would my mother disown all that we have worked on during the recent years of our relationship simply because her beliefs about homosexuality remained unchanged?

I sincerely had no clue, but I knew one thing for sure.

I couldn’t chicken out again…

Welcome to the second half of the ‘long version’.

I humbly recommend reading the first half to truly see the full picture being painted here.

My apologies.

Making a long story short has never been a strong suit of mine.


So let’s get right into this. Shall we?

Waiting on my phone to chime was more nerve-racking than waiting on the doctor to arrive in “labor and delivery” and confirm that it was time to push. That was more than  twelve years ago. Yet here I was, two weeks ago, gnawing at my fingernails. I have never anticipated doom in such this way before. It took her more than a day to finally put me out of my misery.

I kind of sorta punked out by coming out via text.
At least I clearly, and as concisely as possible, confirmed something that I am sure my mother had grown suspicious of again as of late.
We had been making small talk (over text) about unrelated things when I gathered the gumption to just say it.
The conversation had abruptly ended right as I shared myself so vulnerably.
The fact that she did not immediately reply only signaled a warning of something disastrous.

What was taking her so long?

As restless as I felt that night, I eventually forced myself to sleep. I had worrisome dreams of my mother completely disowning and dismissing me from her life for good! I was startled awake the next day by my severe anticipation of the worst.

Still nothing!

Oh goodness, gracious. What did this woman have up her sleeve? Was this the silent treatment? Should I take her unresponsiveness as a sign of dismay?

I had to carry on with my day. Upon my arrival to work I tried as best as I could to focus on teaching my students. It was a struggle at first but by the fifth period of the day, I managed to successfully take my mind off of what had been troubling me for nearly 24 hours.

I strolled the usually 10-minute long walk home.
The bitterness of Korea’s winter chill did nothing to motivate me to walk against the wind expeditiously.

Shortly after setting my belongings down, I hesitantly moved to check my phone for her reply.

Still. Nothing?

I was not sure how much more of this I could take, so I made the first move by trying to check on her. I asked my sister if mom had been acting differently over the past day. I inquired as to whether or not she had mentioned anything of what I divulged a day prior. My sister had no answers for me about the situation, other than to say that our mother was doing well and seemed to be her usual self.

Minutes later the chime I (at one point) anxiously awaited sounded off.

Due to the exchange that was happening, I unsuspectedly motioned to swipe the touchscreen believing that it was only my sister texting me some more.

The chiming noise continued.

This was the very thing I feared.

Hearing my phone go off so much almost confirmed that I was justified for fearing the worst. I imagined the several pinging alerts were a result of her fingers typing feverishly to tell me things that my weakening mood may not have been fully prepared to handle.

To my pleasant surprise it was quite the opposite!

After years of self-hatred and -deprecation all for the sake of believing I was unacceptable in her eyes, my mother had done the very thing I have longed for since my age of reckoning.

She accepted ME for who I was.

Nothing more (as in a parent’s expectations of their child) and surely nothing less (failure to meet said expectations).

A huge weight had finally been lifted off of my chest. After decades of burdening me by making a home there.

This is not to say that my mother will start donning rainbow paraphernalia and slap a LGBTA (the ‘a’ representing ally) bumper sticker on her new car. Nevertheless, I feel more confident that she is earnestly trying to show up and be present for me in a way I once could only dare to dream.

She has now become my #1 fan so to speak.
I can say with certainty that she is definitely one of the biggest supporters in all that I do.

Let’s examine recent events:

Upon my sudden break up I, just as suddenly, decided to move upstate.
She supported my decision and even gave me start up money to aid in my relocation.

After the disappointment of realizing that what I spent years in undergrad for was not the glamorous career I had hoped it would be, I decided to abandon everything regarding that field and proclaimed that I would be taking a sabbatical.
She encouraged and prayed for me.

Shortly after the aforementioned proclamation, I went even further to suggest that I would move abroad. More than half-a-day ahead, I set my sights on South Korea.
She was the only person who didn’t ask why. Instead she excitedly told me to go for it!

Most recently, I said I wanted to start a YouTube channel.
Not only did she proudly give me her blessing, she invested in my dream by helping me purchase a high-picture-quality camera as a Christmas gift.

And now this…

While she has made it very clear her stance on the matter of homosexuality in regards to her belief system, she was sure to make it CLEARER that she loves me for who I am and that there’s no getting rid of her in my life.

She relinquished control and advised me that this is my life to live whichever way I choose to live it.

I nearly cried.

Joyful tears of course.

We are not going backward. She and I are only moving forward in our relationship and I am ever grateful.

To imagine that we were ever at such severe odds is becoming more and more a faded memory of the tumultuous past.

Envisioning what the future has in store for us is almost unfathomable. Because staring into anything so bright for too long hurts my eyes.

As cliché as it may sound, I must close with this:

No matter how gloomy the circumstances may be, it does get better.
Therein lies the importance of perseverance and always remaining hopeful.

This is my life. Welcome to my world…                                    ☮peace☮
danie’ ✌

Round Two: My Coming Out Story (Pt. 1)



I have something that I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.

[deep breath]

I’m debating cosmetic surgery and I have a consultation tomorrow…

Yeah, so that’s pretty much how it went when I recently attempted to come out to my mother (for the second time) about a month ago.
I had anxiety compounding in my chest AND nervousness through the roof!
So I chickened out.

I couldn’t bring myself to potentially undo all of the progress made in the mending of our once-very-fragile relationship.

Years ago, my mother didn’t take having her teenaged, single-parent, daughter admit to her that she was in fact a lesbian well. Oh, not to mention suggesting that the primary reason she (single-teen-mom-me) even found herself in the perdicament that would lead to being 14-and-pregnant was because she took desperate measures to conceal the fact that she (single-teen-mom-me) was battling queer interests.
Our already tense relationship became so strained that it eventually gave way. One homophobic comment too many and the pressure in my chest blew! All of the hurt, anger, betrayal, disappointment and emotional-abandonment issues [issues that came from both sides] finally overflowed and seemingly washed away the ties that connected us.

I don’t want to stray away from the title-topic of this post, so I won’t elaborate further on the history of my mommy issues. Just understand that one doesn’t go years without speaking to their parent unless he or she has had enough! Which was exactly the case.

The saving grace in all of this was the fact that I allowed maturity to have a tangible affect on me. I woke up one day and realized that tomorrow is not promised. Feeling that I’d had a long enough cooling off period, I decided to surprise my mother for her birthday one year and make amends.

I was still married to a woman during this time so my mother had to receive me in all my gay glory. Which, at the time, is exactly what she did.
She was just happy to have her daughter and grandson (who is more like a child of her own) back in her life.

So why the round-two title you ask?

Well, like too many of my previous posts about this person have eluded, I was scorned and burned badly by my ex-wife. So much so that for a brief period in my mid-20s I dated the most amazing man I have had the pleasure of being involved with.

Needless to say, it never escaped my mind how I could be repeating the “mistakes” of my past by dating this man. Ironically, I even became pregnant during this brief relationship. But the universe had other plans for me and unfortunately that unborn child never made it to term.

That was a wake up call.

I will not deny the love I had (and still hold dear) for this man; however, I could also never deny the affinity I believe I will always have for women.

It all became too confusing to sort out and we eventually parted ways. I was so bent out of shape that I swore off dating all together and took a vow of celibacy.

Here we are now, nearly two years later.

I had resolved to being a closeted queer person portraying myself as asexual to some and celibate to others.
I figured if I wasn’t dating or sexing anyone, why should it matter if I confirmed a particular orientation? I could just leave everyone with the impression that my most recent ex was a cure to my “phase of sexual fluidity” and call it a day.

But even that didn’t feel right.

Because I knew that was a falsehood.

I realized I was using my current state of singledom as a whole new veil to hide behind. I was creeping back into the closet because the truth of the matter is, my attraction to women wasn’t just a phase. If anything, my lust for a male savior was.

I had to do some serious soul searching.

For this reason, among a few others, I moved FAR FAR away from everyone.

Surely, I would be safe in South Korea where no one would know me. Right?


Just because you’re not dating at the moment doesn’t stop others from asking you questions about your thoughts on relationships. Even in casual conversation among other adults, one is bond to run into questions regarding dating interests.

Having a child; stating that I was married, while intentionally omitting the fact that I had a wife and not a husband; and referencing my most recent relationship during conversations on love because it was with a man, were all guises I used to aid people in their assumption of my heterosexuality.

I had to stop with the illusion.

Shortly after moving and making new acquaintances I began to open up about my marriage whenever I consented to it being a topic for discussion.

This only led people to conclude that I was bisexual.

I tried to live with it for awhile.

I actually thought I liked it and that living as a bisexual woman could suit me.


I was doing the thing that many queer people do when they are too afraid to own their entire truth.

Bisexuality among women is so tolerated that one may argue it is even accepted now as a part of the female experience.

It brings forth many assumptions.
The most overbearing are that a bisexual woman will more than likely end up with a male partner; furthermore, she only dabbles in same-sex relations [or relationships] during 1. her youth and 2. her single periods in which she is not involved with a man.

Well this wasn’t my truth either.

Sexuality aside, I know at some point a choice must be made. And when considering my life mate, one of the most important factors for me is whether or not I could see myself forsaking all others just to be with this one person.

I could go on living, never again involved with a man and not feel like I’d be missing a damn thing.

However, I now feel so vehemently confident in my skin and acknowledging that I could not say the same about never having the scent, the touch, the affection or love of a woman ever again.

And there you have it.

Once I addressed the truth with myself personally, I knew precisely the next thing I had to do.


Let’s just say most of the people who were on Team Danielle the first go round were just as supportive. My mother was the one I was most concerned about sharing this with.

Had our new relationship been built on an insufficient foundation?

Was my approval seeking behavior doomed to return and rule me for the sake of not having to be torn apart from one of my major lifelines?

Would my mother disown all that we have worked on in the more recent years of our relationship simply because her beliefs about homosexuality remained unchanged?

I sincerely had no clue, but I knew one thing for sure.

I couldn’t chicken out again…


Wow, I didn’t realize how lengthy this turned out to be even though I tried to stick to the main point. But I couldn’t half-ass this story either.
If I’m going to tell it, I need to tell it all.
So it looks like there will have to be a part 2.

Stick around for it.


Pivotal Movements: the Making of a YouTuber

I want to start a YouTube channel.

I want to create content and upload it to my existing-dormant YouTube account.

I have been chattering on and on about creating a YouTube channel for nearly a year now.
I don’t even want to imagine what could have been accomplished by now had I begun this journey back then. Scratch the negative talk…sorry!

Insert problems here…

Originally the hold up was that I felt I did not have adequate film materials to record and document content.
In comes my mother in all of her supportive-glory volunteering to help me get the vlogging camera of my dreams for Christmas. My excitement about that is only eclipsed by my overjoy at her response to me coming out of the closet for a second time (I will write a separate entry for that one).
So now I have a Sony A5100 and could not be happier about it.
I had my recent trip to Thailand as inspiration and motivation to collect material for my first video.
All of that was awesome until I had to import everything to my too-old-to-handle-the-pressure “struggle” laptop.
Also, somewhere in the midst of the aforementioned excuses, I had a rather moderate bout with the lonelies and self-defeatism. Envisioning how difficult achieving my goals will be caused me serious anxiety.
I was only a grey hair away from convincing myself that I shouldn’t even bother trying YouTube in the first place. However, once my thoughts reached the conclusion that I should just give up on life all together because I wasn’t a useful member of society, I recognized the catastrophizing-thinking (a skill acquired through therapy) and responded accordingly.
Need I mention, one of my biggest phobias is the fear of computers and anything tech-related? How can I create a bomb ass YouTube channel when I can’t even improve my current wordpress site?

So there you have it.

In a nutshell, I have spent months on end struggling to kick-start my content creating career.

This weekend was the first attempt I made at importing my footage from Thailand.

In my mind I imagined it going something like this:
* I would connect all my SD card and USB devices and import my footage.
* I would then tinker with the video-editing software included with my Windows 10 update.
* I would do my best to do all of the hard work given during my Thailand trip some justice by creating some halfway decent clips.
* I would then go to YouTube and play around with my user account so that I can upload my first ever video.
*All of this would take 8-12 hours tops.
I seriously thought that. I wholehearted believed it would at least get done by this weekend.

Here’s what really happened:
* I learned just how out of date my current laptop is.
* I fully acknowledged how justifiable it is to make this big purchase on a new laptop.
* It took TWO DAYS (minus sleeping and eating) just to retrieve the content from my phone and SD cards.
* I have only backed up one-third of footage to a removable storage device.
* Still no “first video” uploaded on my YT channel.
* I got my first glimpse of how hard I am going to have to grind in these upcoming years to see the dreams of living my truth to fruition.

My apologies if I seemed to ramble on. I promise there is a point to all of this and if you’re still reading this far, thank you.

I felt that it was necessary to vent about the setbacks and my woes over chasing my dreams and the work it is taking thus far. I figured I can turn this seemingly useless energy into something productive if I just use this experience to retell how PERSEVERANCE is actually happening in my life.

Although it is one of the most overused phrases in the history of all motivational speeches, it is so true that anything worthwhile comes with great responsibility and hard work.

Not being completely out of that defeatist mood usually would give me license to climb into bed and refuse to ever leave. Especially after immediately being met with obstacles that would seemingly validate those negative thoughts. Instead, I picked my head up and faced the reality of this truth: the hardest part of any grand endeavor is to begin.
In order to embark on the most adventurous journey of my lifetime, I need to take the first step.
Now that’s a pivotal move.

I would like to leave you with this morsel of nourishment for your soul:

Allow your ambition to be more powerful than your doubt!


The Untold Story

What the romantic comedies don’t tell you is that surviving ‘real-life love’ is more comparable to the tragic endings of the Titanic or Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet than what writers depict in the likes of movies such as the Notebook  and Fifty First Dates.
Although, all of the above named pieces did have some major conflict going on. Need I mention that everyone either suffers from memory-loss or succumbs to death after experiencing the love of a lifetime?

Such a shame that Adam Sandler’s movie is the love story with the happiest ending of the lot. Though it is in fact one of my faves.

If only own my love story had that ‘against-all-odds’ potential.

Instead I am left here trying to pick up the pieces. Alone.

I feel something like a loser who doesn’t know how to let go.

But I promise there is much more to this than that.

See what I did there? No?
Okay then, moving right along.

Lately I have been writing “lesbianesque” odes ambiguously inspired by either my ex-flame or my new crush. Heck, I’m such a wreck I couldn’t determine whom if forced to do so at gun point.

That’s like being asked to decide which type of creeper would I prefer to be.

The loser who can’t let go?
Or should I go for the ‘silent-stalker who’s created an entire fictitious love affair, only in my mind though, to pacify my broken heart’ look?
[Cue 90s teen-movie wardrobe fitting sequence here.]

Unfortunately I can’t stand listlessly in front of my full-length mirror modeling 50 different shades of crazy forever.

And while on the subject, I guess that means I have to acknowledge that I have no intentions of turning this blog into some weird LGBT, scorned, torn-out-and-crumbled journal entries site.

So I opted instead to just talk about my feelings like a normal human being without creating another one of those odes to lesbian love and loss.

With that being said, I think I’ve gotten enough anxiety and emotional frustration off of my chest for tonight.

I wish anyone who’s experiencing the slow recovery from a broken-heart good luck, lots of love and light, and positive energy!!
Happiness and laughter to all!

p.e.a.c.e and l.o.v.e

Anxiety on Steroids

“Three months later and here I stumble upon an unfinished/unpublished draft that I had written shortly after my arrival here in South Korea.
While I am not under the distress of the anxiety that once plagued me, I do find myself experiencing something that can only be described as homesickness.
I guess I wasn’t as unfazed by culture shock as I led myself to believe.
Just the same, whatever this is called, I find that the best reward from documenting this journey is the reflection I get of my experiences.
My memory may some times betray me, but reading my own words always brings be back most accurately to the thoughts and emotions I felt while writing them…”

*I decided not to complete the draft but simply share it as is.


I have no idea why my heart feels like it is planning an escape from my chest cavity.
It has been a little over 3 weeks since I moved to Anyang-si Gyeonggi do, South Korea.

I am living out a 3-in-1 dream here:

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher.
Teach English in South Korea☑

I’ve always wanted to travel live abroad.
Teach English in South Korea ☑

I wanted to challenge myself to not limit my life’s prospects due to mental illness.
Teach English in South Korea☑

Hagwon Ga
Hagwon Ga
my classroom
my classroom

She Is

She is the object of my affection

She is the impetus that ignites my obsession

She is everything.

She is the caress of my skin


Unlike the flame that burns within


As unintentional as a flirtatious wink of an eye

She is inadvertently coy

Playfully unaware.

She is like the stubborn kink in my hair.

Comparable to the deep, labored breath which has no air.

She is unattainable.

Yet she is always there.

She is ceaselessly on my mind.

She is and forever remains

My everything.

p           |e|             a           |c|         e



Her hands once touched these earrings.

Her arms once embraced this hoodie.

Her breath used to caress my neck.

Once upon a time, her lips softly brushed mine.

But that is over now.

This is the end.

As much as my mind wishes to reject it.

My heart has now accepted this to be the conclusion of a tumultuous love story.

The ending of an era is often a solemn one.

Letting go is never easy.

Alas here I am.

Forcefully letting go.

Because if I don’t, it may very well be the death of me.

-piece-                                                ^dani’sWorld^


Are our wildest dreams really unattainable?

Or is it we are just that afraid of our own success that we would rather concede defeat before actually facing the risk of failure?

For a long while I unknowingly and unwilling conditioned my psyche to believe the former.

It was only last night that I realized why I have lain immobile all these years.

I’ve always believed that I deserved happiness and prosperity as much as anyone else. I knew, instinctively, it was not that I was doubtful of myself deserving these things.

Once I let go of the notion that someone was just going to hand me the opportunity of a lifetime, I realized that not chasing my dreams wasn’t for lack of believing in myself.

It was because I was afraid.
And have been for many years.

The opposite of faith is not doubt.
It is fear…
For without fearfulness, doubt would cease exist.

The truth of the matter is my ambition is a hungry beast with an insatiable appetite for going big! However, the most prominent part of me is a modest, insecure and lost little girl. I have always felt inadequate in one way or another.

How can I possibly be good enough?

How can a meek and passive creature like myself be worthy and strong enough to continuously quench my ambition’s thirst?

I wear the exterior of a mere human container but internally my spirit, so wild and begging to be freed, feels fiercely immortal.

Aligning my defeatist-prone mind with my passionate (and compassionate) heart has been my latest life lesson.
A lesson that I am still learning.

Accessing and utilizing my spiritual capacity is not an easy feat.

It is not without commitment, responsibility and perseverance that one lives out his or her purpose. Especially if he or she is destined for greatness.

The thought alone is exhausting.

Am I really that committed?

Am I responsible enough?

Can I persevere that long?

Until I can undoubtedly and fearlessly answer these questions with a solid YES then I will remain paralyzed  by this uncertainty.

You see, the opposite of faith is not doubt.
It is fear.

Until I can live my life as fearlessly as my imagination wanders, I will continue to lie in limbo.

In feardom.


-welcome//too||my\\world-                                                              dani’sWorld

Isn’t She Lovely?

This must seem random.

I really cannot explain what moves me to share about a topic that otherwise feels unrelated to my usual material. Whatever it is, here it goes.


#1) Not being sure how you want to present to the rest of the world.
i.e. do I wear (or look awkward in) a dress and heels? does this haircut make me look too butch?

#2) LABELS! Enough said… If you’re any bit queer then you know what I mean.

#3) Not being taken seriously.
In the minds and out of the mouths of everyone who offers this ignorant insight: having a child and an ex-boyfriend automatically invalidates my homosexual experience. That is sooooo frustrating! [see problem #2]

#4) “So are you the boy or the girl” or “Which one are you” questions.
4b. “So how do you ‘do it’, do you sci***r” or “Is it technically considered intercourse if you…” questions. SOOOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING AND INTRUSIVE!

#5) Having a crush on your ‘straight’ friend (or acquaintance) who has no idea just how much you wish you could tell her how beautiful you think she is. And how you mean it in an other-than-platonic way.
** I debated this one being first on the list since this was the problem that prompted this post.

So there you have it!

These are the top 5 problems I have encountered in my experience as a woman who loves women. They are in no particular order.

Lately I have been frustrated about living abroad in an environment where dating in the way I would like isn’t as convenient as I would’ve hoped.

Now that my strict no dating/abstaining vow has ended, I find my thoughts entertaining the idea of getting back on the playing field.
I know I have much more important things to concern myself with. HOWEVER I am definitely human and I think everyone adult desires the companionship of another. Being perpetually lonely is growing quite tiresome these days.                 [sigh]

 -signed Heartbroken in Korea-




Day 1– Ground Zero

Today was a good day.

Monday is now down for the count!

Four days left until the weekend.

Inspiration struck me late last night.
In an aspiring writer’s world, when this happens it is advisable that you take out the little notepad in the drawer of your nightstand and start scribbling.
But I was so close to being asleep that I opted to make a silent promise to myself instead.

“If I remember this moment in the morning then it was meant to be and I will seriously devote some conscious thought to further developing the idea.”

Wouldn’t you know? The first thing on my mind when I woke up this morning was the brainstorm of inspiration I had as I fell asleep the night before.

The inspiration of what this bright idea could mean for my future was just the positivity I needed to battle the ‘Monday blues’. Nothing could bring me down with a future that looks so promising.

Granted the weather was crappy all weekend (and has now spilled over into the week). It was cold, rainy and gloomy. The atmosphere felt like a complimentary valet service for each and every contagion present during the cold/flu season. My body and head ached. And for some reason I felt especially heartbroken. I have no idea where memories of my estranged spouse decided to come from. But I guess that’s what happens when you allow depression to take its toll on you. Your mind begins to betray you to thoughts that you promised yourself you’d bury forever.

90s and early 2000s R&B and soul were the soundtrack to my stranger than fiction life. With my earbuds in, I allowed myself to retreat from the congested subway station and sulk. Hundreds of people huddled close, with their damp clothing and dripping wet umbrellas failed to interrupt my intense thoughts of mourning.

I mourned the love lost in the devastation of my failed marriage.
I mourned what I thought being normal would mean to me.
I grieved my 20s. For the years I’ve lost to the onset of bipolar depression. For the ideal my mind imagined being a young 20-something year old would look like.

I clutched my coat and struggled with my umbrella as I transferred from the subway to the city bus, and then again once I arrived at my stop and walked home.

I felt the weight of depression resting on my chest as I lay in bed late last night.
I began to panic. I feared it would get too out of hand far too soon. “I don’t think I can handle this on my own.”

I began to think that moving to Korea was a huge mistake.
Then something happened.

I flipped the light switch and crawled into bed.

Engulfed by literal and figurative darkness as I meditated on the life I was grieving and all I’d hope it would be, it happened.

The ah-ha moment!

The lightbulb came on.

In all of its brightness, it lulled me to sleep.

Dreams filled with ambitions of a life no longer ruled by depression, outlandish manic episodes, heartbreak, persistent headaches and chronic widespread joint pain overcame me. I felt encouraged to keep going. I felt reassured that this experience cannot be for naught.

The takeaway from my ah-ha moment:
Once my time here in Korea concludes, I will not return to the U.S. the same person I was when I left. I was not created to be normal. I was fashioned to be especially extraordinary. Why should living my dreams stop with a brief stint abroad?
I am going to start my own business.
No more giving my life away to mediocrity. No more sitting back as a watch my talent go to waste. No more turning a death ear to my gifts BEGGING to be acknowledged and nurtured. No more emotional, psychological masochism. I was slowly committing spiritual suicide. Not anymore!

I am going to be my own boss.

I will build my own brand!

The universe has heard my request.
Now it is only a matter of time before it all comes to fruition.

Don’t ever be too afraid or ashamed to ask the universe to help you make your dreams come true!

P.E.A.C.E                                                                              -this/is/dani’sWorld-