Anxiety on Steroids

“Three months later and here I stumble upon an unfinished/unpublished draft that I had written shortly after my arrival here in South Korea.
While I am not under the distress of the anxiety that once plagued me, I do find myself experiencing something that can only be described as homesickness.
I guess I wasn’t as unfazed by culture shock as I led myself to believe.
Just the same, whatever this is called, I find that the best reward from documenting this journey is the reflection I get of my experiences.
My memory may some times betray me, but reading my own words always brings be back most accurately to the thoughts and emotions I felt while writing them…”

*I decided not to complete the draft but simply share it as is.


I have no idea why my heart feels like it is planning an escape from my chest cavity.
It has been a little over 3 weeks since I moved to Anyang-si Gyeonggi do, South Korea.

I am living out a 3-in-1 dream here:

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher.
Teach English in South Korea☑

I’ve always wanted to travel live abroad.
Teach English in South Korea ☑

I wanted to challenge myself to not limit my life’s prospects due to mental illness.
Teach English in South Korea☑

Hagwon Ga
Hagwon Ga
my classroom
my classroom

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