Getting My Life

is this what the face of bipolar looks like?
is this what the face of bipolar looks like?

Is this what the face of bipolar disorder looks like?

A black girl born and raised in an ‘inner city’ urban area. A black woman who is now no more than a mere product of her lower-income environment.

Perhaps out of sheer ignorance, all of my life I have heard various mental illnesses referred to as “white people disease”. As if black Americans are the only sufferers of diabetes and hypertension.

I used to worry so much what others would think of me if they found out.

Back then I figured it would be more acceptable to just hide behind the guise of being the crazy angry black chick who was likely to “fudge” some “sheep” up depending on what mood you caught her in.

But there is some much more to me than that.
I am more than what meets the eye.
All you have to do is take a deeper look.
Study me and I promise you still won’t figure me out.

Which brings me to this place.
I have found myself wandering the world now.
Trying to figure me out.

I felt a gravitational pull which has brought me to this precise moment.

Once the heart of me realized just how much dying by my own means was not an option, a force greater than anything I have ever felt before began to lift me from the depths of despair.

For the first time in decades, I felt alive.

It started with the will [to live].
The desire came next.
And finally my passion followed.

If I was going to keep giving life a chance, I had to make the conscious decision to really LIVE it!

I thirst for it now.

I have an insatiable appetite for adventure and purpose fulfillment.

After climbing from the trenches of my rock bottom, I made a choice.

I refused to live a limited life.

I can no longer be bound by the foolishly fearful ideas of what others believe life should look like. “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” If people put the same amount of thought [and energy] as they do into judging how others should live into their own existence, maybe just maybe, we would all be happier.

As for myself?

Well I just don’t care anymore.

You can either live your own life, or have several seats and watch me show you how it’s done! Because I’m out here LIVING mine.                                 peace…

-welcome to dani’sWorld-

And then all of a sudden,
She changed.
She came back a completely different person,
With a new mindset, a new outlook,
A new soul.
The girl who once cared way too much,
About everyone and everything,
No longer cared at all.
-author Unknown

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