Broken Bordeaux

I drank red wine from a broken wine glass tonight.

I know it sounds dangerously desperate, but I cannot wrap my head around drinking wine from anything other than a wine glass. Unless of course it is the bottle itself.

I was making a pasta dish earlier. A seafood medley deserves a glass or two of wine.

I ran to the convenience store nearby to grab a bottle. Thankfully Merlot is neither English nor Korean so I just said the name of the wine and pointed. The cashier knew precisely what I wanted.

Random: Korean young-adults look so childlike. I wonder if he was even old enough to serve/sell alcohol. Either way I just enjoy the luxury of not being ID’d when I purchase alcohol here. Drinking soju while walking down the street, passing the cops is also a fun perk.

I returned home to discover that my only remaining wine glass not only had a crack in it, but that the loose glass actually pulled away and removed a triangle-shaped chuck from the rest of the bulb. As stated at the beginning of this little anecdote, I cannot drink wine from anything but its designated glass or the bottle itself. I rarely drink from the bottle. So! It was either the broken glass or no wine at all.

Had the break been dangerous enough to cause me harm I would’ve elected not to have a sip tonight. But as I sipped from my broken glass, unharmed, I realized that while broken this wine glass was still able to serve its purpose. I don’t intend to preserve the glass for continued use of course. On the very top of my shopping list is a new set of wine glasses.

I digress.

At a time when it was needed most this broken glass accommodated a certain preference. I made my pasta dish and like the broken lady I am I had my broken glass of wine as I prepared dinner.

broken but getting the job done
broken but getting the job done

As random as this all may seem I was able to pull an allegory from the experience.

No matter how broken or flawed I feel I can still serve my purpose. While I may believe that I am incomplete, the part of me that still remains is whole enough to fulfill what I was placed here to do. Like that broken Bordeaux glass, at the very least I will be just enough to get the job done.

Ultimately that is the greater part of the reason I trusted in myself to move to Korea.

I refused to let the prognosis for someone with bipolar disorder interfere with living my dreams. I intend to live my life to the fullest for as long as I am still breathing!

And so should you.

..Welcome to dani’sWorld..                                   PeAcE

4 thoughts on “Broken Bordeaux

    1. hahaha… actually these were 2 glasses left by the previous teacher who occupied my apartment. BUT I am adamant about using wine glasses so I guess I don’t mind splurging on a like fanciness! Hahaha, meanwhile, I’m still sipping from my broken Bordeaux


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